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Yakushima trekking (3) – Natural World Heritage Island
20 July 2015
Final day we drove around Yakushima untill our depature time for Kagoshima.
It took around 5hours stopping below intresting points on the way.
Jomonsugi and Miyanoura-dake are so famous, however there are many more places to visit in Yakushima.
Breakfast at our minsyuku (guest house) and sunrise near Anbo port.
We walked along a road leading to beach. Mt.Mocchomu 940m, not so high mountain, but very steep.
Banyan tree and ferm tree. Climate varies with altitude ranges, subtropical zone, warm tempature zone, cool tempature zone, from coast line to mountain top almost 2000m. Yakusugi(giant ceders) can be seen above 1000m sea level, tropical plants can be seen in coast line.
Yakuzaru(yaku-monkey) with lovely baby. They are not shy of human.
Ohko waterfall, Yakushima is rich in water. Average rainfall in is more than 4000mm a year, local people say they have 35days rainfall within a month.
Sunflowers were in full bloom, this is a summer flower.
Nagata beach a lot of sea turtles come to this beach to lay eggs in june.
Oh my god, front tire fell into the ditch just before going to the port.
When we arrived in Kagoshima-city, Mt Skurajima eruputed suddenly, is one of biggest an active valcano in the world.
Now we are taking Shinkansen for Osaka. Good bye Yakushima now and looking forward to come back again.