About Japan

Japan is an island nation situated off the eastern coast of the Eurasian continet, which consists of the four main islands, Hokkaido, Honsyu, Shikoku, Kyusyu and Okinawa, and more than 6,800 smaller islands.

The country is located between 45 degrees to 20 degrees north in latitude, and 128 degrees east to 145 degrees east in longitude. From tip to tip, the island chain is 3,800km long, surface area total approximately 378,000 square kilometers.

Japan is by no mean a small country. It is roughly as large as Italy, Norway, about 50% larger then United Kingdom, but only 1/25 the size of the U.S.


Japan’s population is 127-million. This is ranked 10th in the world and made up 1.8% of the world’s total. Japan’s population density is 343 person per square kilometer in 2010, compared to 25 person in the U.S, 353 in Holland.


The Japanese archipelago has a temperate marine climate, and We have four seasons. In approximate terms, spring from March to May, summer from June to August, autumn from September to Novenmber, and winter from December to Febuary. Japan typically experiences hot, humid summer and cold, dry winter, spring and autumn are pleasant. The climate is generally moderate but length of the country means that northernmost Hokkaido is subarctic while southernmost Okinawa is semi-tropical.

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